Shaders, gpg, and projection mapping
I was originally let down when I walked in this morning to find out that Zach wasn’t going to teach more image processing, but I was definitely thankful that it was pushed back at the end of the day as we were exposed to so much heavy information. It was really nice to be reminded that Zach reads blogs and I was thankful that he asked if he could help me to understand shaders more since I had indicated in my previous blog that I was lost. I probably wouldn’t have felt worthy to ask (since I hadn’t done much research myself first), so thanks Zach for helping me utilize your knowledge! I definitely feel like I understand shaders A LOT better now. It was also super helpful to get his assistance with my word particles code too. I feel like it’s so much closer to how I want it to be now, and I have hope that it will reach my final vision!
During Allison’s CTOT class, Andrew demoed his @Resist_Death IoT creature. Tweeting at it determines whether it will live or die. I really love the idea and can’t wait to see it finished.
After this, Lauren and Allison led a gpg workshop to show all of us who watched Citizen Four how to set up a key and send encrypted emails. Even though I use gmail, it still felt pretty cool to send an encrypted email to someone.
Lastly, Jonas did a workshop on projection mapping. Upon showing us MadMapper I had hope that I too could one day do projection mapping. Upon showing us all the work that went into the Light Leaks project, I think all is lost for me… I’m mostly kidding, but I was in awe at what it took to make a project like that - truly incredible work and a truly incredible outcome. Nice job Jonas!